Have You Renewed Your Prosperity Passport for 2022?

As we begin this new year, I am struck over and over how wealthy we are as a people — and I’m not just talking about money. We take many freedoms for granted. As a kid, I thought the word was “granite,” not granted. Well, we take many liberties and truths for granite, too. We believe that thoughts, people, and our lives are solid and won’t crumble — much like granite. But is that true?

Let’s look at prosperity — is it granite — or can wealth crumble?

Renew Your Prosperity Passport for 2022

Prosperity doesn’t just happen. As we all know — we have to work at renewing our prosperity, whether that be in the form of renewing relationships, renewing work commitments, goals for improving ourselves, helping raise others higher, and so forth.

While jumping on this line of thought today, (renewing my prosperity passport for 2022), my mind raced to my interview with James Hickman back in April 2021. Wow! What a keg of dynamite — in energy, resources, knowledge, and usable information that man is. If you are determined to renew your prosperity passport for 2022 — you will want to listen to this interview.

You can listen to the interview about how James is an international entrepreneur with massive investments worldwide. Very few people have the savvy to diversify like James Hickman.

Please listen closely to this interview and what comes into your mind. I believe you will hear something significant that can help you build wealth and prosperity for yourself. Then, when you get that “aha!” moment — let me know what you hear. Now — what are you going to do about it?

Well-Traveled in the World and Finance

James is well-traveled worldwide — he’s been to a hundred and twenty-two countries, to be exact. I wish I’d been to that many countries, but as James says, the joy of travel is in all the people you meet, and I couldn’t agree more. I hasten to say that James also has capital in many, many of those places, and has specialized knowledge in accomplishing the goal of a diversified and safer prosperity than anyone else has.

Currently, James Hickman lives in Puerto Rico because of its tax incentives. However, he has not just traveled but has lived all over the world. Like, in Chile, when James lived there, he started a significant agriculture business. Then, it took him over four years, but he was able to open his own bank — but like he says — there are a lot of complications, and you don’t just hop into that stuff without a lot of headaches.

Nonetheless — these are the inspiring things I have learned from studying the information put out by James — and there have been tidbits of inspiration that I’ve used to get myself in a better position financially.

The Banking Scandals that have Always Been

If we want to create wealth and financial health, we must look at our banking habits. There are many challenges and risks associated with our banks in the U.S., but there are ways to hedge your bets in financial markets. Of course, hedging your bets financially will not just happen by accident — each person must plan strategically to protect their family and friends in the financial markets.

As James says, we learned in 2008 how vulnerable we all are with all financial ventures. Banks charge exorbitant fees and only pay out 0.03%. “Something is not right there, and surely there has to be a better way.” I agree, the banking system feels like a very peculiar experience, and most of the time, the way is not clear on the positions we should be taking in that system.

We all wish the banks would upgrade and come into the twenty-first century. Sorry, closed on Sunday, sorry, can’t wire at 3:00 a.m., no transfers on the weekend. Hey, pal, it’s after 3:00 p.m. the transaction won’t be made until tomorrow — but, sure, we’ll keep your money. Like James said, “they send a wire transfer and still act like they’re putting a bunch of cash in satchels on pony express and riding it across the country to deliver it.”

Well, it was great fun talking about banks with James, but what I really wanted to cover was the excellent business sense he has and how we all can plan, build and renew prosperity.

James Hickman says, “there is a difference between free cash flow and net income or net profit and I focus on businesses with strong free cash flow.”

James was in the military academy, and he runs many operations like he would in the military. He mentioned a great speech by Norman Schwarzkopf that was given to the Corps of Cadets at West Point — talking about leadership in the 21st century.

Norman Schwarzkopf said, “Leaders of the 21st century have two characteristics. They have competence and they have character. You know, they’re good at what they do and they’re trustworthy, reliable people of integrity.”

James and I both feel the same on this point — those are precisely the two things that we look at in terms of the entrepreneurs and the founders and when we assess essentially people we want to be in business with. Does anyone feel differently? I don’t think so. The world would be better if we stuck to business principles and always included trustworthy and reliable people and those with integrity.

As I talked with James Hickman, I renewed my prosperity passport with a determination to build better upon these business principles this year, and I hope you will join me in this quest.

Image Credit: Porapak Apichodilok; Pexels; Thank you!

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