The Amazing Feeling of a Millionaire Mindset

Are you interested in becoming a millionaire? That’s not an uncommon dream. Whether you want the millionaire mindset because you’ve always wanted to be your own boss or achieve financial maneuverability — you can design your life to be free.

The Difference Between Wishing and Making Your Mindset a Reality

However, there is a difference between those who wish to become millionaires and those who actually make this dream a reality. And this difference starts with the mindset. In the absence of that mindset, you’ll keep spinning your wheels, working as hard as you can — but never making any progress.

“Just like violence begets violence, and work begets work, I believe abundance begets abundance.” –Khalil Rafati

That quote from Khalil Rafati came during a podcast we did back in July 2021. If you haven’t listened to it yet, I strongly suggest you do. It’s an inspiring story of how Khali went from a homeless junkie to a bestselling author, speaker, and health and wellness entrepreneur. And it was in part because he was able to overcome his poverty mindset.

What Do You Perceive the Millionaire Mindset to Be?

Contrary to popular belief, the millionaire mindset consists of giving more than taking and having that goal always top of mind, instead of being mean or stingy. Wealth comes from social interactions and achieving success in your relationships, and it requires offering value. Don’t look at what you’re getting back. Always strive to give back to others.

When you develop a more generous and helpful mindset, there’s no stopping your progress. And that’s precisely what Khali discovered during his incredible journey.

I often see a millionaire mindset in little children who still believe that dreams can come true. Do you believe your dreams will become a reality? What reality do you help provide for your family, friends, and others around you?

Can a Premier Smoothie Make Your Mindset Better?

During our discussion, he recounted how SunLife Organics, which I consider the world’s premier smoothie acai bowl fresh-pressed juice matcha place, got started. Then, at Riviera Recovery, which he founded, Khalil began making juices and smoothies for himself. And, he began to feel amazing.

“Well, the clients at Riviera Recovery, they wanted what I was making, so I started giving it to them,” he said. And, “I started to see nothing shy of miraculous results in the people that I was giving these juices and smoothies to, and I don’t say that lightly.”

“I saw people quit smoking spontaneously. I saw people slowly titrating off of their psych meds through the help of a doctor, not by my advising, but through the help of their doctor; I watched people slowly titrate themselves off of their psych meds. I watch people go from gray and sallow with bad circles under their eyes to looking vibrant and alive. And it was so amazing.”

“And that was where the idea came, like, man, if it’s helping these people like, it could help a lot of people,” he explained. “So, I’m going to open up my own little juice bar.”

Yes! This is exactly what a millionaire mindset will be like. A millionaire mindset will think as Khalil thought, and it will become amazing.

Will Thinking in a Certain Way Make You Wealthy?

“What has come to me recently is part of the message that I need to tell people is you don’t have to be smart to be successful, and I mean that sincerely,” Khalil told me. “And a big part of what held me back most of my life was believing that I was dumb because I was told I had learning disabilities. I was also told I was a problem child, and I was told I was an instigator. And for the first 33 years of my life, I bought into that narrative that was placed upon me.”

Where did this thinking lead Khalil? He was broke. He was a drug addict. And, in his own word, “a loser and I had a horrible life.”

But what happened when he adopted a millionaire mindset? He has turned around his entire thinking. And, today, Khalil has an incredible life.

His advice is that you shouldn’t be influenced by what anyone says about you. Instead, find out who you are. Determine your motivations and passion. Identify what your capabilities are — and have the courage to take risks. Khalil’s thoughts have really inspired me in my own thinking.

Will the Perception of Having a Millionaire Mindset Make the Difference in Your Life and in How You Do Things?

One of the most fascinating parts of Khalil’s remarkable journey was recalling when he finally developed a millionaire mindset. Long before SunLife Organics was a thing, Khalil worked menial jobs while staying with a friend. So, where did he spend his hard-earned money? On $200 jeans.

That resonates with me. I see so many people buying designer clothing, luxury sports cars, or exotic vacations. And, guess what? They don’t have anything saved or invested. That’s not a millionaire mindset.

Going back to Khalil’s story. A sponsor took him to California Numismatics Medals. And, he insisted that Khalil purchase a gold coin every paycheck and stock away these coins in a safety deposit box.

“So, I began to switch out of a poverty mentality because now, all of a sudden, I had gold, and it was cool, and I liked it, and it was interesting,” he said. “And I would keep putting in my safety deposit box.”

Now, this was back in 2004 when gold began to takeoff. So, Khalil kept buying gold. He then learned to invest soon after. And, by 2007, he had the money and guts to launch his own business. And that business was Riviera Recovery.

Can You Think Yourself Rich?

Being aware of your thoughts about money is the first step toward becoming rich. And that’s something so evident when talking to Khalil. When he was consumed by negative thoughts that led him down a dark and dangerous path — he went in the direction of dark and scary.

But, when Khalil flipped his thinking — things began to change. For one, he began to believe that he was worthy. Instead of thinking that he didn’t have anything to offer the world, he realized that he was given unique gifts and talents that he needed to share.

Khalil also believed that anything was possible. So many of us don’t want to put in the hard work or are held back by our own limitations.

Not Childish — But Think and Believe Like a Child for a Millionaire Mindset

Think how a cherished child might think — when you believe that anything is possible — you can go from a homeless junkie to becoming a millionaire — living an abundant and intentional lifestyle of your choosing.

Image Credit: Olia Danilevich; Pexels; Thank you

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